



Entries in sam claflin (156)


Preview of 'Catching Fire' Cast Interviews With MTV's Josh Horowitz

Image from @joshuahorowitz instagram

"Stoopid good fun with Sam Claflin & Jena Malone today" "Fun awkward moments today with Sam and @MaloneJena"

Josh Horowitz has been tweeting and sharing pictures from his sit-down with Sam Claflin, Jena Malone and Francis Lawrence. We can look forward to some footage soon - maybe a little After Hours?

Image courtest @joshuahorowitz instagram

"Hold on Francis, you're saying they're all trying to KILL each other? I need to start reading these...."


Follow Josh on twitter at @joshuahorowitz and instagram @joshuahorowitz


Behind The Scenes Photos From Sam Claflin & Jena Malone's Glamour Spread

Behind the scenes photos Glamour Sept 2013

Sam Claflin and Jena Malone have a huge fashion spread in the September 2013 Glamour (see all the HQ scans HERE) and we found some behind the scenes photos and video in the digital edition. Check out some of the extras below. We'll post video here soon. 


Wedding Congrats To Sam Claflin & Laura Haddock

Sam Claflin and Laura Haddock tied the knot over the weekend. Massive congratulations and best wishes to them both!


Sam Claflin & Jena Malone Featured in Glamour Magazine

Sam Claflin and Jena Malone are featured in a Glamour Magazine fashion spread in the September 2013 issue entitled, "Win The Style Games." Jena and Sam look fantastic! There's also a ridiculously adorable BTS video that goes along with this article. We'll post it very soon! Scroll down for the article.

From Glamour:

She Says:

Jena Malone has been playing "the brave one" in films like Saved! and Stepmom since she was a kid. Today, at 28, she's fearless once again as Catching Fire's axe-wielding badass Johanna Mason.
Glamour: Those are some really major eyelashes in the movie.
Jena: I wish I could rock them in real life! They were like five inches long.
Glamour: You've had some extreme looks in your own life too.
JM: When I was 18, I shaved my head. I was bald. Then I had a mohawk  - For a job that feel through.  
Glamour: Was your part in The Hunger Games tough to get?
JM: I know they saw every single actress from here 'til Tuesday. They wanted to find someone who didn't just physicalize this character but could also scare people. I don't know what I did - I guess I scared the hell out of them.

He Says:

Sam Claflin's career is the stuff of fairy tales. We met the 27 year-old Brit in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (he played a lusty missionary). Now he's flaunting rippling abs and a blond 'do as District 4's lust object, Finnick Odair. 
Glamour: Was getting this role like it's own Hollywood Hunger Games?
Sam: Finnick is supposed to be this godlike creature, I remember sitting in the audition room and this kid walked in. He was seriously one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. And I was just, NAH, this is never going to happen.
Glamour: How did you transform yourself into an Adonis?
SC: I ate chicken and asparagus every day for three months. My girlfriend was quite happy. 
Glamour: Did you take pics?
SC: I sent my mom photos of myself, really buff. [laughs] That sounds so wrong!

Sam Claflin's Fiance Talks Finnick and 'Catching Fire' Fans

Sam Claflin's lovely fiance, Laura Haddock, talked to Empire Magazine (June issue) about Sam, his fans, and his new sex-symbol status:  

Professionaly, Haddock is presently juggling a number of future projects. Personally, though, the future is set - she's engaged to Sam Claflin, who will shortly best his parts in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and Snow White & The Huntsman to go stratospheric as The Hunger Games: Catching Fire's revolutionary sex bomb, Finnick Odair.

"Sam being a pin-up is funny," says Haddock. "We have this big monthly session where we sit down with his fan mail, him with a big marker pen and me and his mum with a cup of tea, and he signs all these things that have come in. The other day he got a bracelet from this girl who's a fan of The Hunger Games. It had his district on it. And he put it on and took a picture of it and sent it to her by Twitter, which made her day. But he's not taken it off! He loves it!" She laughs. "Otherwise he gets all of these pictures of him, where he's looking all sexy and serious..."

And her point is? "Well he IS very sexy," she says. "But he's really not very serious. You know, he looks gorgeous in that film. But if you said that to him he'd say, 'What? Me? I'm from Norwich!'"

Here's the bracelet she was referring to in the article! Lucky @Tanyelala


VIDEO: Sam Claflin Confirms The Finnick/Peeta CPR Scene + Jennifer Lawrence

Here's a new video of Sam Claflin and Jennifer Lawrence on the red carpet at the Catching Fire party from Yahoo Movies. Sam confirms that one of our favorite scenes, where Finnick gives Peeta CPR in the arena,  was shot for the movie!

Thanks to our friends at Real Or Not Real News for the tip!!


VIDEO: Jennifer Lawrence and Sam Claflin Talk Catching Fire at Cannes

Jennifer Lawrence and Sam Claflin talk about Catching Fire on the red carpet before the Catching Fire party at Cannes on Saturday May 18, 2013.
Sam says it's like "a family and so inviting" on set, that Francis' vision is "a fresh, new take" and that it's an "epic story" that is "going to get people talking." Jennifer talks about making the movie with people that "are my friends and I LOVE them" and that Katniss is a character she "adores, obviously" and the film is "visually huge and stunning." 
Let's just say, hearing them talk about the movie makes us very impatient for November!!

Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, and Francis Lawrence Walk The Red Carpet at Cannes

Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, and Francis Lawrence walk the red carpet at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. 




Image via clarksemilia.tumblrImage via clarksemilia.tumblr