On The Scene: Mockingjay LA Premier Shaping Up
Sun, November 16, 2014
PanemPropaganda in Mockingjay News, after party, los angeles, mockingjay part 1, premiere, setup, stag, tent

While the countdown reaches mere hours until Jennifer Lawrence and the cast of Mockingjay Part 1 walk the red carpet, workers are fervently putting together the red carpet stage and after party tent.

As you'll see, it looks like this year's red carpet event will follow the amazing vision of Tim Palen's marketing team that have brought us the stark white propaganda of President Snow's Capitol, and the spartan  "counter prop" of District 13. 

It looks like the red carpet might follow the stark white theme of President Snow's propaganda. Click to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a full sized image of progress on the After Party tent

After party-goers look to be getting a taste of District 13 and the destruction of the Districts, with the entrance shrouded in large concrete rubble and huge propaganda art.  Quite a departure from last year's party that featured a distinctly Capitol feel, much more akin to something President Snow might host, with painted capitol citizens and lavish accouterments.

 We'll keep you updated as the hours draw closer with more images and updates, so stay tuned!


Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (https://www.panempropaganda.com/).
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