Preview of 'Catching Fire' Cast Interviews With MTV's Josh Horowitz
Tue, August 6, 2013
Molly in Catching Fire , Catching Fire Actors News, Catching Fire Movie News, Francis Lawrence, Jena Malone, Jena Malone, Josh Horowitz, MTV after hours, Sam Claflin, cast appearances, francis lawrence, sam claflin

Image from @joshuahorowitz instagram

"Stoopid good fun with Sam Claflin & Jena Malone today" "Fun awkward moments today with Sam and @MaloneJena"

Josh Horowitz has been tweeting and sharing pictures from his sit-down with Sam Claflin, Jena Malone and Francis Lawrence. We can look forward to some footage soon - maybe a little After Hours?

Image courtest @joshuahorowitz instagram

"Hold on Francis, you're saying they're all trying to KILL each other? I need to start reading these...."


Follow Josh on twitter at @joshuahorowitz and instagram @joshuahorowitz

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